l´escola parla

MY boring weekend

These days are very boring because  next week I have a lot of exams in the academy, at the school and in the "conservatorio".
All the time I have to study . But today I go to put the christmas tree.
Tomorrow I don’t have anything to do .
I think I have to buy the present for Christmas with MY Mother. I don’t know .
It’s a long bridge oooh my God !!!! I want to kill me.
And I have to study a song with the flute because my English teacher wants!!! I can’t it’s too difficult.
It’s boring, I don’t like my weekend .

5 comentarios

Bianca -

Mi es ahora mismo estoy estudiando voy a ver si puedo subir un video

luz -

"but I don'want to study, it is horrible..." Yes, you can, it isn't difficult. You are a "rebel without cause"
Come on Bianca, do it.

Bianca -

But I don't wont ti study !!!!!! Is horribol and I don't remember the song with the flute i have to read and is difficul.
No voy a poder !!!

luz -

I don't know why are you bored? You have to study flute and you have an English blog. I hope you can play "Silent Night" next Monday.
"Estar aburrida/o" to be bored and "ser aburrido/a" to be boring ¿do you understand? Enjoy the weekend please!!!

Bianca -

Hace no have