l´escola parla


My ideal weekend is in my village, Algodonales.

There I have  my grandpa, my grandma,cousins,uncle...

My village is big and beatifull,I love Algodonales.

I do not have many friends there almost all of them have forgotten about meLlora,but I have my family,my cousins and my friend Almudena.Sonrisa

well, this would be my ideal weekend.

5 comentarios

aitana -

muy bien Claudia esta muy bien hecha

claudia -

sorry M.Luz por lo de people no se porque lo he puesto si se perfectamente que es gente pero bueno...y no no me he ido a mi pueblo(UNA LASTIMA PARA MI) es que he preferido quedarme aquí en Valencia para estudiar..besos y que tengas un buen puente Luz

Bianca -

No esta en su pueblo porque tiene que estudiar me lo dijo

luz -

Claudia I forgot: "pueblo" is village and people "gente". Bye bye. A kiss for you.

luz -

Well done Claudia. So, Are you in Algodonales? You had to take Bianca with you because she is bored. Enjoy youself.